generic advice

generic advice

Generic Advice

November 21

Generic advice gets a bad rap.

Sure, it’s a little obvious. Sometimes painfully obvious, sitting sideways in the captains chair of your brain, waiting for the person to finish telling you something you already know.

We all know the pyramids weren’t designed on the basis of generic advice. The Mona Lisa wasn’t painted by the numbers. And Michelin Stars aren’t generally earned with grandma’s recipes.

But plenty of tires have been changed with generic advice. Thanksgivings have been saved with a little generational know-how. And there’s yet to be documented a first kiss that didn’t happen without the considerable aid of the same old well-worn platitudes.

So if you want something exceptional, don’t go looking for the generic.

But for the other 95% of your life, the generic advice might be exactly what the generic doctor ordered.

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