If I Was

if I was

If I Was

August 19

“What would I do if I was in charge?” is an almost impossible question to ask.

It’s laced with assumptions. A long list of people not presently listening to anyone finally listening to you. That you’ll continue to get access to the same information you currently have. That everyone else won’t bail the second things don’t work out. 

If we were in charge—well, it would probably start (and possibly end) with same problems, now resting on our shoulders.

Maybe instead we could begin there—what would you do if you were responsible? If you had to find a way to make it go as right as possible, working in the real world, in light of all the complications of real people? 

Would we get further than worrying about who was in charge?

Morning Reading is a daily email to help center yourself, reflect, and prepare for the day. It’s sent with love from your friend, Zach in Austin, Texas. He even drew the logo himself.


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