July 10 | The E Word

You should dig deep within yourself today. Deeper than before. You should, in the cavern of your own head, decide to wear your emotional steel toed boots. Strap on your hard hat of perspective, pick up your hammer, and fucking go to work.

Maybe the day holds self growth, diving into the deep pools of your past, trying to sort through the gordian knot that lays beneath the surface.

Maybe the work is more obvious, physical places to clean or build, or the subtle sweat of the creative act, bringing something that once existed only in your mind into the realm of the real and tangible. 

Maybe you have left your relationships linger for too long, and there are conversations you are avoiding. Maybe there are emails and texts that you must sort through. 

Maybe you must educate yourself about what is happening in the world, digging past the sensational to try to really grasp something you once could not.

Whatever you must do, be about it.

But then be done. 

Push yourself harder than you have ever pushed yourself… But then stop.

At some point, maybe 5pm, maybe 1, maybe 9, maybe not even a time at all, there will be a time when you must utter that horrible, guttural word, the one that rightly strikes fear in our hearts and fires in the streets…

Take a deep breath…

Set the work of the day on the shelf of your mind…

And say….

Enough.… Read the rest