what now?

what now?

What Now?

November 3

After all the Monday mornings—all the snoozed alarms, the silent curses, the squinting, shuffling routes to the shower, trying to block out the morning light for a few extra moments…

After all the Friday nights, the last calls, the final jokes, the goodbyes, the kicking off of the shoes and settling into couches with a long sigh and a longer smile…

After all the last minute wins, the unexpected letdowns, the bearers of bad news, the 4th quarter comebacks, the cashouts, the debts collected, the ups and downs that make up everything we now and dream of…

The universe does the only thing it knows how to do.

It asks, what now?

What next? What will you make of it?

Morning Reading is a daily email to help center yourself, reflect, and prepare for the day. It’s sent with love from your friend, Zach in Austin, Texas. He even drew the logo himself.


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