Sily Little Email

silly little email

Silly Little Problems

October 14

Our silly little lives, our silly little problems,

The silly little things we do to try to solve them,

Or the silly little things we say to feel better about not solving them— 

Or the silly little things we buy when the silly little things we say don’t make the silly little feelings go away—

Or the silly little things we eat or rent or drink or, on occasion, rub against our silly little genitals— 

Maybe we should all just be silly little nihilists about it all? 

Or maybe our problems are—like us—a little more silly or a little more little than our silly little brains tend to think?

Who knows, certainly not this silly little email.

Morning Reading is a daily email to help center yourself, reflect, and prepare for the day. It’s sent with love from your friend, Zach in Austin, Texas. He even drew the logo himself.


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