that's what they say

that's what they say

That’s What They Say

September 23

They say it’s a good idea. It’s a smart investment. It’s the kind of thing that happens in these parts. 

They say that’s just the way they are. That boys will be boys. That it’s always been that way and, in all likelihood, it always will be.

They say that time heals all wounds and you never forget your first and what goes around comes around, and a whole bunch of other bullshit no one understands. 

Because after they are done saying all they have to say, you’re still stuck here trying to figure out what to do.

And doing isn’t something they’re capable of.

Morning Reading is a daily email to help center yourself, reflect, and prepare for the day. It’s sent with love from your friend, Zach in Austin, Texas. He even drew the logo himself.


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