yesterday’s price

yesterday’s price

Yesterday’s Price

October 4

Yesterday’s price is not today’s price.

The cost has changed. The circumstances are different. The magical economic forces of supply and demand have been tossed about in the wind of change, making the cost of the thing today different than the cost of the thing yesterday.

That’s not all: you’re not the same as you were yesterday. You’ve had 24 hours to change, think it over, grow a little wiser, a little foolisher, a little poorer, a little more in shape, a little rounder around the edges.

The confrontation, the cost of goods, the pain of change, the chances of making it out, the price of whatever it is you were hoping to accomplish in the world—it’s different today than it was yesterday.

The only way to keep yesterday’s price is to have paid it yesterday.

So would you rather pay today’s price? Or tomorrow’s?

Morning Reading is a daily email to help center yourself, reflect, and prepare for the day. It’s sent with love from your friend, Zach in Austin, Texas. He even drew the logo himself.


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